Friday, February 8, 2013


I haven't posted for a while, because I'm stuck. Stuck in the mud. Things have been going well, but I have no results to show for it. At least no results on the scale. I feel great. I have more flexibility and stamina. But I've hit a plateau like never before. I've hit 40 lbs lost, and I just can't break through any further. I've changed up my exercise routine. My SIL has set new monthly workout challenges. I've been training for a 5K. But nothing seems to be helping. I've been watching my calories, trying so hard not to cheat. But that doesn't seem to help either. It's just getting very frustrated. I'm sticking with it, and not giving up. I'm must afraid that my body thinks this is where it is supposed to be now. And it's not where I want to be. Far from it. So I'm going to continue. If anyone has other recommendations on how to move forward, I'm willing to try anything!


  1. Hey Eric... I too have hit the wall. The suggestions I got was to do crossfit workouts and HIIT training. I'm gonna try that this week and see how it goes.

    Have you tried counting calories? Are you drinking anything other than water & milk? Can you cut carbs after 3pm? All suggestions I'm trying... hop that helps!

  2. Remember this is a life change. You are now a healthy routine exerciser that eats right. Sometimes you just get stuck at a weight for a while. Don't worry about it. Stay the course and you will eventually get to your goal. It doesn't matter if it takes one year or three years. The important thing is to get there and stay there. How fast you do it matters not. IF YOU KEEP THE COURSE YOU WILL GET THERE!

  3. Definitely try a HIIT workout, it will help. I have some recommendations if you would like them. Keep it up, you look great!

  4. It took a LONG time for me to drop the baby weight, I had many weeks where the scale just wouldn't budge! Interval training on the treadmill was a huge help for me. Now that you're in better shape, your body needs to be pushed to the limit to get the rest of the weight off. All out sprint for 1 min (faster than you ever thought you could run) followed by 2 min jogging. Do that for 30 min few times a week added to your 30 day challenge:)

